
Ring Neck Pheasant

Ring Neck Pheasant

One of the most popular birds used by hunting preserves & sports mans clubs. Known to be a powerful flyer. Blue-green head with a distinctive red ring around the eyes & white ring on the neck.

Ring Neck Pheasant are available as Day Old chicks from Frey's Hatchery & Millpond Hatchery

Quail & Partridge

Millpond Hatchery has the following available in limited quantities sourced from local breeders.


Coturnix Quail

Coturnix Quail

Also called Japanese quail, these birds are native to Africa, Asia and Europe. The females are light tan with black striping on their throats and upper breast. The males are rusty brown in colouring. They mature quickly, in about 6 weeks, weighing 200 to 450 grams. Excellent for hunting, they are also good songbirds.

Coturnix Quail are available as week old chicks from Millpond Hatchery

Bobwhite Quail

Bobwhite Quail

Native to the south and east of the U.S. as well as Mexico. The hens are mostly light grey with white spots, the male has a distinct white throat and white stripe over its eye. They mature in about 12 weeks weighing 300 to 500 grams. They make for great hunting, and are very good flyers and songbirds.

Coturnix Quail are available as week old chicks from Millpond Hatchery


Chukar Partridge

Chukar Partridge

A grey-brown game bird with distinctive colouring which originates from Asia. They are excellent for release and hunting and are also great for eating, wighing up to 1 kg.

Chukar Partridge are available as from Millpond Hatchery